Home » After a photo depicting a homeless dog cuddling with a stuffed animal was shared, it rapidly gained viral attention.

After a photo depicting a homeless dog cuddling with a stuffed animal was shared, it rapidly gained viral attention.

An emotional picture of a stray dog holding onto a torn teddy bear caught the nation’s eye, sparking debate among animal enthusiasts about the dog’s future.



The stray dog used the abandoned teddy bear as a pillow while dozing off on the sidewalk.


Yvette Holzbach, the photographer, described the image with these words: “Here is a stray dog finding solace in a discarded, broken toy. How often do we witness dogs doing the same when they’re abandoned after they’ve fulfilled their use?”


The poignant image deeply touched people, sparking widespread curiosity about the dog’s fate and contributing to its viral spread.

22. Although many people expressed their sympathy, some wondered why Yvette didn’t save the dog rather than just taking a picture and leaving.


Her comment exemplifies both the severity of the problem nationwide and the sheer number of homeless dogs in this particular area.


discovers forever homes

Yvette spends her time rescuing abandoned dogs in one of Houston, Texas’s poorest neighborhoods while working for a group called Forgotten Dogs of the 5th Ward.


She and her colleagues patrol the area, photograph abandoned dogs to help owners be found, have them spayed or neutered, receive any necessary medical attention, and most importantly, find some of the dogs foster or permanent homes.


However, the sheer number of stray dogs on the streets is too much for Yvette and her coworkers to handle. As a result, she posted the following response to everyone who condemned her on Facebook.


“We may feed up to 50 stray dogs on one feeding route. She said on the website for Forgotten Dogs of the 5th Ward, “Of those 50 dogs, we are fortunate if we are able to rescue one because the sad reality is, there are not enough foster homes to place these dogs into.

only a few volunteers

“Please don’t criticize us; it is the hardest thing in the world for us to leave dogs like him behind. We are a small group of volunteers doing the best we can with the resources we have.

Teddy, the dog in the photo, was later revealed to be one of several dogs that local homeowner Mr. Calvin had been feeding.

According to Yvette, the 87-year-old had taken many dogs off the streets over the years and at one point had as many as 20 in his backyard.


“I hope that by posting the picture, attention to the plight of the street dog has been sparked. We know that our fight is uphill, but we can only dream of the day when no dog will have to struggle to survive on the streets.


Last year, Yvette updated this story with the sad news that animal hero Mr. Calvin passed away in 2018, but thanks to Yvette and her team, his kindness and care for these helpless dogs will always be remembered.

People like Yvette are what the world needs. Please spread the word to show your support for the crucial work she does to help our defenseless animals.
