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A college student spends the entire night holding a dying sanctuary dog in her arms so that the dog would not pass away alone

A college student spends the entire night holding a dying sanctuary dog in her arms so that the dog would not pass away alone

July 6, 2024
 Although we would do anything to preserve every dog, it is simply not possible. Janine Guido encountered this when she first met Watson the dog....
Veterinarian crawls into kennel to sleep with dog who got hurt in fire.

Veterinarian crawls into kennel to sleep with dog who got hurt in fire.

July 6, 2024
 Dog Taka almost perished in a fire. The eight-year-old's house caught fire last week as he was outside on the porch. Despite their best efforts,...
Starving Homeless Dog Is Adopted And Taken To Pet Friendly Restaurants All Around Los Angeles

Starving Homeless Dog Is Adopted And Taken To Pet Friendly Restaurants All Around Los Angeles

July 6, 2024
 A formerly homeless dog is now having a blast jumping around Los Angeles' hottest eateries. Back in 2014, Ivy Diep dubbed the stray dog Popeye...
No One Wants Her: Her Puppies Are Going To New Homes But Mama Is Left In The Shelter Alone.

No One Wants Her: Her Puppies Are Going To New Homes But Mama Is Left In The Shelter Alone.

July 6, 2024
 A tragic scenario played out in the silent corridors of a local animal shelter—a scene that had become all too frequent at shelters around the...
Heartbroken dog can’t stop crying after realizing he’s been abandoned and separated from his brother

Heartbroken dog can’t stop crying after realizing he’s been abandoned and separated from his brother

July 6, 2024
 "Everyone else on Earth can turn their back on you, but never your dog," as the old saying goes. That is why dogs are said...
The School Bus Pulls Up, And The Dog Waits With Hugs Locked And Loaded

The School Bus Pulls Up, And The Dog Waits With Hugs Locked And Loaded

July 6, 2024
 Every day, Maggie looks forward to meeting her human sibling. When the school bus comes at her house, she knows it's time.We've all seen dogs...
Sad Boxer puppy has spent nearly half her life curled up on her cot at shelter

Sad Boxer puppy has spent nearly half her life curled up on her cot at shelter

July 6, 2024
 Luna, a seven-month-old Boxer puppy from Fort Worth, Texas, has spent nearly half her life at Chuck Silcox Animal Care & Control Center. Due of...
Having spent 270 days in a shelter, the dog leaped with happiness when someone finally gave him some attention

Having spent 270 days in a shelter, the dog leaped with happiness when someone finally gave him some attention

July 6, 2024
 Dogs are wolves' descendants who live in packs. Dogs, even after domestication, require a pack, albeit in the guise of a human family. That's why...
The dog remains faithfully by his “mother’s” side, diligently caring for her until she recovers, a testament to their profound bond and abundant love

The dog remains faithfully by his “mother’s” side, diligently caring for her until she recovers, a testament to their profound bond and abundant love

July 6, 2024
Dogs are definitely defined by their incredible affection, and this viral photograph is simply another example of this. The image depicts a service dog who...
Remember Snoop The Dog Abandoned On Camera? He’s Been Adopted And Right Now He Can Not Stop Smiling

Remember Snoop The Dog Abandoned On Camera? He’s Been Adopted And Right Now He Can Not Stop Smiling

July 6, 2024
 Remember the video of the abandoned puppy on the street? We wrote an article on it.After his owner abandoned him on the side of the...
Mountain dog receives an award for more than 200 rescues in 11 years of service

Mountain dog receives an award for more than 200 rescues in 11 years of service

July 6, 2024
Couple Rescued All the Unwanted Senior Dogs from The Animal Shelters.

Couple Rescued All the Unwanted Senior Dogs from The Animal Shelters.

July 6, 2024
A couple is so in love with dogs that they purchased 19 at once in order to give them a second chance at life -...